Thrive Postpartum, Couples and Family Therapy

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April is c-section awareness month and during the month of April, Thrive Postpartum and Couples Therapy will be featuring Mamas who have experienced a c-section birth(s). One amazing thing that has been learned through the interviewing process is how different each circumstance is that led to a c-section birth. No matter how your baby was brought into this world, your experience is valid and important. We would like to feature Mamas who have experienced a c-section as many times these experiences are looked over. Discussing c-section experiences can still feel taboo and uncomfortable. But we are hoping to break down barriers and allow for a safe space for these important stories to be told. 

This is Nicole’s story.

1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s).

I was induced with my first pregnancy at 39 weeks. My body was receptive to the Pitocin, and I almost immediately started dilating. The contractions became intense but as soon as I got an epidural, I was able to relax. Once I was fully dilated I pushed for almost 4 hours straight. My daughter got stuck in the birth canal and I ended up needing an emergency c-section. So many people began to file into my hospital room to get me ready for surgery. My c-section went smooth and everything was fine with baby. My 2 subsequent children were then planned c-sections due to my initial c-section.

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?

Honestly, everything. I was not prepared for how I would feel after such a major surgery. I could not even bend over to get myself dressed after my first shower; my husband had to help me. I am a very independent person and I was not expecting to have to rely on others so much. However I was mentally prepared for my other 2 c-sections and it is so much easier to have a planned c-section vs an emergency c-section. I was in a different mindset and I felt that those recoveries were so much easier.

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?

My husband was my #1 support. He was literally there for anything I could ever need. My parents were also very helpful for my second and third c-sections. In the fact they would watch the toddlers for me so I could focus on the newborn. Having someone there to help is key in making sure your recovery goes smooth. My OBGYN was wonderful as well and was always there to answer any questions I would ever have.

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?

YOU ARE STRONG! YOU ARE WORTHY! I feel like “all natural” births are all the rage lately and while I can see how that could be empowering, it discounts those who simply can not have that experience. Having a c-section (whether planned or not) does not discount you as a mother. Having a c-section is a major surgery, and it takes strong women to get through them like we do. Do not let anyone EVER discount you just because you had a surgery. It takes a lot to recover from that. Also - always ask for help, or accept help, when offered. You need to rest and take care of yourself. You’ll have plenty of time to be Superwoman later once you are fully healed.