Recognizing the Signs of Postpartum Depression and Getting Help

Recognizing the Signs of Postpartum Depression and Getting Help

Recognizing the Signs of Postpartum Depression and Getting Help

The birth of a child is a wondrous and glorious thing. Until you bring that baby home and are responsible for keeping it alive on zero sleep for weeks and weeks. Add to this already trying scenario is the hormonal cocktail the new mother is living with and you understand why some new mothers don’t feel so blissful.

Yes, New Fathers Suffer from Depression Too!

Yes, New Fathers Suffer from Depression Too!


Having a baby is an event that typically brings a lot of joy and excitement for couples. However, roughly 60% of new mothers suffer from postpartum depression (PPD), with symptoms being either moderate or severe. Fortunately, PPD is becoming a more common health issue with increased discussion and content outlining the symptoms and treatment.