Love is a form of expression shared between individuals, which is a unique and authentic process. One of the greatest gifts that can be shared is the love between two people but many unspoken expectations and pressures come from this. It is important to acknowledge the many different ways a person can express and feel love, and that within a relationship each partner may go about this very differently.

“Love doesn't erase the past, it makes the future different,” 

Gary Chapman.

So you may be asking yourself, what is a love language? Why is it important to understand my partner's love language?

Taking the time to understand how your partner feels love can be a game changer in a relationship. Each of you learned what love is through your unique life experience. If you are like most people, it is likely that you give love to others in the language you have felt loved, rather than recognizing the language that makes your partner feel cherished.

World renowned author Gary Chapman, PhD, identified five love languages in a series of books he wrote on this topic.

Chapman’s Five Love Languages

Words of affirmation - Quality time - Physical touch - Acts of service - Receiving gifts

Many couples have been faced with some of the most challenging times this past year due to the pandemic and lockdown. Spending more time with one another than ever before in close quarters has added an additional layer of stress for many households. Understanding how your partner shows their love, especially if it is different than how you may show it, can be an opportunity for growth and meaningful connection.

We would love to encourage you to Take the love language quiz! Have your partner do the same, and then set up a date night and take time to share your results with each other.

So what’s next....

Therapy provides you and your partner with a compassionate space where you can let go and share your story with someone who can provide you with unbiased support. Fortunately, our specially trained couples therapists can teach you to use evidence-based tools and strategies to increase your fondness, admiration, and respect for one another. To schedule an appointment, Thrive Postpartum, Couples and Family Therapists can be reached by text or phone at 224-698-9792. Alternatively you can also schedule an appointment online. Let us help you revive and restore the fulfilling connection you and your partner once had. We look forward to hearing from you