The journey of parenthood is filled with many layers of life experiences which impact each person differently. Recognizing your capacity in each season of life is an important step. By  prioritizing your feelings and needs, you will be able to make decisions that are more compassionate and congruent to your core self. Parenting is hard, even overwhelming at times, especially during the current times we are all living in. As you begin to identify ways to engage in self-care, you may also experience many emotions, including guilt. Remember that all your feelings are valid. Allow yourself space to access and acknowledge them, so you can consciously choose to embrace and/or release them with care. While you are working on choosing yourself it may be helpful to recognize that modeling self-care for your children gives them a head start to becoming masters of self-love. 

“Self care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what's left of you.” 

Katie Reed

So you may be asking yourself, what does thrive mean? How can I thrive when I am struggling? How can I make time for self-care? Is this even possible? 

These are all valid questions and feelings, because for many, this could be a new way of thinking. Take a moment and reflect on what brings you joy. Get creative. Try to stay open to what this may look like each day. It's okay if what you need looks very different from what someone else may need. When you are able to identify what speaks to you it can help you rest, reset and recharge. 

Here are a few suggestions to consider when trying to identify what finding joy could look like...

  • Prioritize yourself self-care

  • Find a way to use mindful movement

  • Step outside and feel the sun on your face

  • Schedule a therapy appointment

  • Pick up the phone and call someone who holds a safe space for you

Okay, so let’s put this into context: you are a parent of three littles all under the age of five. While the kids are safely entertaining themselves, rather than rushing to do the next thing on your to-do list, sit down, right where you are, take 15 to 20 seconds to focus on your breath, how it moves throughout your body, take a deep breath and release the clingy energy. 

Understand you do not always have accessibility to intentionally lean into this practice, and that is okay. Embracing the difference of each day. This takes practice and will not happen overnight, but always remember, seconds add up to minutes and minutes add up to hours. Thriving within parenthood is self-care and will be some of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and your kids. 

So what’s next....

Therapy provides you with a compassionate space where you can let go and share your story with someone who can provide you with unbiased support. A qualified mental health professional can help you process all the different aspects of your human experience while developing strategies for functioning on a daily basis. In time, you can gain control over emotional triggers and learn to cope in a way that promotes greater healing and peace. To schedule an appointment, Thrive Postpartum, Couples and Family Therapists can be reached by text or phone at 224-698-9792. Alternatively you can also schedule an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you.