Grief and loss will look different for each person, each experience and season of life. Understand, no matter what your experience, you are worthy to find healing, in your time. The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.  Each of these stages will present themselves very differently depending on your experience. As you gain other capacities in your healing journey, you could experience the same stage multiple times. Give yourself as much space and grace as you can.We want to remind you there is no timeline for grief. 

This journey is also very unique to each individual, so it is important to not compare your journey to anyone else. Try to not minimize your pain because someone else may be experiencing something “more difficult.” This is a common coping strategy for many, this awareness is an incredible quality, but you have to remind yourself, your pain is valid. We want to help you reframe this. Your story matters. Your feelings are valid. Your experiences are real and are worthy to be shared. 

The past year has forced so many to sit in their grief with little to no distractions, isolated from support systems and other resources. Here are some ways to honor your grief:

Write an open letter to yourself, to your grief, to your experience

  • Buy a special candle and light it on a day/time that serves your experience

  • Find ways to share your story, this could be through talking to others who get it or through art, storytelling, and/or journaling

  • Find a ritual that serves your experience

    • Light a candle

    • Take a breath

    • Read a book

    • Eat a special meal

  • Start a new tradition

We know it may sound strange to “honor” your grief, but this can be a beautiful way to reframe and acknowledge your pain. A way to honor your lived experiences. Take intentional time to find a new layer to your healing journey. 

Things can get better.

Therapy provides you with a compassionate space where you can let go and share your story with someone who can provide you with unbiased support. A qualified mental health professional can help you process all the different aspects of your loss while developing strategies for functioning on a daily basis as you heal. In time, you can gain control over emotional triggers and learn to cope with your grief in a way that promotes greater healing and peace. 

At Thrive Postpartum, Couples and Family Therapy, we want to help you work through your grief. Our therapists are available seven days a week. To schedule an appointment, our team can be reached by text or phone at 224-698-9792. Alternatively, you can also schedule an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you.